Quality, Health & Safety and Environment
Quality and Sustainability at KROHNE
KROHNE’S Integrated Quality Management System is based upon and complies with international ISO standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.
As a family-owned company, we uphold human values and this transpires in the principals on which we base our QHSE management and which go beyond regulatory requirements.
We strive to give full customer satisfaction by providing instruments and solutions which meet and exceed our customers’ expectations in terms of quality and service. We do so by implementing ISO 9001 in all our production and sales companies, enforcing strong product development processes, guarantying measurement accuracy through wet calibration and ISO certified systems, and monitoring our core processes including on time delivery through key performance indicators.
Health & Safety
The health and safety of both our staff and customers is our main priority. We aim to protect our customers and end users by providing products which satisfy the highest safety standards. We attend to our workers’ health and well-being by preventing injuries and illness in providing a safe and sound work environment.
Environmental Protection & Sustainability
Contributing to a sustainable world is an essential part of our QHSE mission and vision.
In sustainability we see the importance of Environmental Protection, Social Equity and Economic Growth. A large majority of KROHNE factories are certified according to ISO 14001. The means by which we address these topics are defined in the KROHNE Quality and Sustainable Development Policy and other corporate documents (see below).
Minimising weight of new designs without impacting functional properties or product lifetime, is one example demonstrating our pro-active approach towards sustainability: sustainable development is not just an ideal but a KROHNE reality.
KROHNE Group annual sustainability reportKROHNE’S Senior Vice President Quality H&SE has a central and global role within the company with the responsibility of implementing and overseeing the KROHNE Group harmonized QHSE management system.
Further to this, each company within our global organisation has its own QHSE management system which allows adaptability to local regulations and stronger implication of General Managers.
At a corporate level KROHNE has introduced procedures and guidelines as a means of harmonising our practices and providing a framework for our employees worldwide on subjects such as Eco-Design, Product development, Project Management, Gift Policy, Whistleblowing, CFSI prevention, etc.
At a wider level the documents listed below are addressed to KROHNE staff and our customers and business partners likewise:
KROHNE Quality and Sustainable Development PolicyKROHNE Group Quality, Health & Safety and Environmental ManualKROHNE’s Code of Conduct for corporate social responsibilityQuality and Sustainable Development Policy
The KROHNE Quality and Sustainable Development Policy is founded on four pillars: Quality, Health & Safety, Environmental Protection, Social and Ethical Equity. This policy forms the basis of local QHSE policies of our subsidiaries worldwide and must be applied and integrated at all levels of the organization within the KROHNE group: production companies, sales companies and joint ventures.
The core principles of this policy can be found behind each letter of the company name:
K nowledge
R eliability
O wnership
H uman resources
N ew technologies
E nvironment and Ethics
Code of Conduct for Corporate Social Responsibility
As a social responsible company, KROHNE has established a Code of Conduct for Corporate Social Responsibility. We are committed to applying its principals throughout the KROHNE group and to promoting adherence to its content by our joint ventures and subsidiaries, worldwide.
We conduct our activities with respect of universally held ethical values and principals, we defend human rights and we reject corruption and bribery as stated in the UN Convention.
We require of our business partners likewise to conduct their activities with respect of universally held ethical and social values and to pursue fair business practices.
KROHNE's Code of ConductSubstances
Numerous international legislations have been established to limit the impact of chemicals and hazardous substances in order to protect the environment and the health of the population. KROHNE products are within the scope of the main regulations:
KROHNE complies with the European, Chinese and other ROHS directives regarding the restriction of the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment. The detailed information about ROHS is available in our EU declarations of conformity.
EU declarations of conformityREACH
KROHNE products comply with REACH regulation regarding the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals. The REACH information is available on the SCIP database.
We recommend to make a search using the SCIP number as listed in the EXCEL file.
For instruments which do not contain SVHC a REACH self-declaration can be found on the KROHNE download centre.
Proposition California 65
KROHNE supplies only non-chemical products which are intended uniquely for industrial purposes and therefore KROHNE products are only concerned by occupational exposure.
Based on the risk assessment of our products, factories have established product specific declarations available here:
specific declarationsToxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
Conflict Minerals
KROHNE adheres to due-diligence obligations regarding 3TG minerals originating from conflict affected and high risk areas. KROHNE does not directly purchase such minerals from conflict countries. However the origin of such minerals or components containing these minerals procured via our suppliers is beyond our control. For this reason we have adopted the Responsible Mineral Initiative and implemented a reporting template enabling to gather and record information on 3TG mineral sourcing from our main suppliers.
Corporate Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT)Corporate Extended Mineral Reporting Template (EMRT)Product End of Life Handling and WEEE Take-Back Scheme
As a producer of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE), KROHNE complies with the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (2012/19/EU).
As defined in the directive, a producer is “Any natural or legal entity in a country (manufacturer or importer) who, irrespective of the selling technique used, places Electrical and Electronic Equipment on the market of a specific Member State”.
In each EU country where KROHNE has a sales company we comply by declaring quantities of EEE put on the market. To facilitate end of life handling of our instruments for our clients we have established contracts with local take-back schemes (TBS). When repair or upgrade of the end-of-life product by KROHNE Service is not possible, you may contact our TBS partners listed below for proper handling and recycling.
WEEE TBS Information and Contacts
Social and Ethical